- Symposium: John Courtney’s Murray’s We Hold These Truths at 50. The Catholic Social Science Review Volume XVI 2011.
- Introduction, by Kenneth L. Grasso
- The Enduring Influence of We Hold These Truths, by John F. Quinn
- Getting Murray Right, by Kenneth L. Grasso
- We Hold These Truths and the Pluralist Civilization, by William Gould
- Holding These Truths Today, by Michael Novak
- Murray After Fifty Years: Five Themes, by Gary D. Glenn
- We Hold These Truths and the Problem of Public Morality, by Gerard V. Bradley
- Introduction, by Kenneth L. Grasso
- The Church and the Public Forum: John Courtney Murray's Method by Mary Eastham. Austrialian EJournal of Theology. Pentacost 2006.
- The Civic University, by Stephen M. Fields, S.J. First Things 161 (March 2006): 12-15.
- He Held These Truths, by Robert W. McElroy. America February 7, 2005.
- John Paul II, John Courtney Murray, and the Relationship Between Civil Law and Moral Law: A Constructive Proposal for Contemporary American Pluralism, by Gregory A. Kalscheur, S.J.. Journal of Catholic Social Thought, Vol. 1 (Summer 2004): 231-75. [.pdf format]
- "American Catholics and the State: John Courtney Murray on Catholics in a Pluralistic Democratic Society", by Gregory A. Kalscheur, S.J. America Vol. 191 No. 3, August 2, 2004.
- Does John Courtney Murray's Defense of Freedom Extend to Economics? An Austrian Perspective. Markets & Morality Vol. 5, No. 2. Fall 2002. The Acton Institute.
- Citizen Murray, by J. Leon Hooper, S.J. Boston College magazine. Winter. 1995.
- Religious Freedom, Truth & American Liberalism: Another Look at John Courtney Murray, by David Schindler. Communio Winter 1994.
- What would John Courtney Murray say? On abortion & euthanasia, by Todd David Whitmore. Commonweal, Oct 7, 1994.
- John Courtney Murray and the American Catholic Experience, by Michael Tortolani. 1993 Lord Acton Essay. The Acton Institute.
- John Courtney Murray, S.J., and Religious Pluralism. Panel discussion on "the formative influence that religion and American political life have on each other" with J. Leon Hooper, S.J., Woodstock fellow and Murray scholar; Os Guinness of the Trinity Forum; and Michael J. Perry of Northwestern University Law School & moderated by Margaret O'Brien Steinfels, editor of Commonweal. Woodstock Report, March 1993, no. 33.
- A Contested Legacy, by James Finn. Book review of John Courtney Murray and the American Civil Conversation, ed. by Robert P. Hunt & Kenneth L. Grasso. First Things 30 (February 1993): 54-57.
- "John Courtney Murray: Reliable Interpreter of Dignitatis Humanae?", by Fr. Brian W. Harrison. Part I Living Tradition No. 33, Jan. 1991.; Part II Living Tradition No. 34, March 1991.;
- Religious Freedom: John Courtney Murray, S.J. and Vatican II, by Francis Canavan, SJ. Faith and Reason Summer 1987.
- Man of the City Time Magazine [obituary]. August 25, 1967. An Unfinished Argument: John Courtney Murray, Dignitatis Humanae and the Catholic Theory of the State, by Professor Kenneth L. Grasso, Department of Political Science, Southwest Texas State University. [Lecture Series].
- John Courtney Murray and Reinhold Niebuhr: Natural Law and Christian Realism [Draft], by Thomas C. Berg. Lectures on John Courtney Murray's The Problem of God by Alfred J. Freddoso. Professor of Philosophy, Notre Dame.
- Economic Justice for Some? - Is Murray's Discourse Ethic a Serious Alternative to Class Warfare, as an instrument of Public Policy Formation?, by Dennis P. McCann. DePaul University, Chicago, IL.
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